Tips for Clipping Dogs Nails

TIPS FOR TRIMMING DOGS NAILS There are various ways of trimming dogs nails, clippers and dremel tools being the more common. The following two photos show dogs with white nails. We can see where the quick (pink part) is. The image shows a safe place to cut. Nails may be cut or filed shorter. For beginners a conservative approach is recommended so there is less risk of cutting them too short and risking an aversion to having nails trimmed. There are various approaches to cutting nails. I tend to cut parallel to the ground, similar to how nails naturally wear. A 45 degree angle is commonly recommended. Both approaches are fine as long as the quick is avoided. The two middle claws and two outer toes are generally similar so once one is cut it can be used to indicate the amount of nail that can be safely removed from the other similar nail. This image shows long quicks. The nails are as short as they can be. These two photos also show how qu...