Recognising Chronic Pain in Pets


Chronic pain is a persistent or waxing and waning pain. A common cause in pets, especially in the second half of life, is osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis is inflammation of the joints, which over time may lead to an increase in the size of affected joints and a decrease in the range of motion.

Lameness is relative. A pet with one sore leg and three non-painful legs will appear worse than a pet with multiple sore legs. To many people, a dog with arthritis in all four legs doesn’t seem to be lame. Just as in humans, arthritis begins with waxing and waning pain. Osteoarthritis in pets is a progressive condition, meaning it tends to worsen over time. The following signs may be seen as the arthritis progresses in dogs:

  • Slower to get up from rest

  • Stiffness after rest that the decreases as the dog gets moving

  • Less able to cope with exercise and may lag towards the end of a walk

  • Lame and more tired after longer periods of exercise, for example, longer walks on the weekends

  • More cautious and slower going up and down stairs

  • Hesitation or difficulty jumping up; a common example is jumping into the back of the car

  • Less enthusiasm for boisterous play

In cats:

  • Less able to jump onto higher levels; you may see hesitation when jumping up. Your cat may use a chair to reach a higher surface that they could previously jump onto from the floor

  • Slower and more cautious on stairs

The signs of chronic limb pain can be quite subtle, especially in the earlier stages of osteoarthritis. There are various causes of osteoarthritis and other potential causes of the symptoms described. Having your pet checked by a vet is recommended to determine the source of the discomfort. There are a number of options available to manage chronic pain and improve your pet’s comfort and quality of life.

The following pain scales may be useful 

BEAP Pain scale for cats 

BEAP Pain Scale in Dogs


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